Since 1913, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated has been committed to promoting Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service. Now, 106 years later we have grown to be a worldwide force of action "impacting lives, and transforming communities." In previous years, our chapter has supported the March of Dimes and the Sisters Network breast cancer walk. In 2014-15, DCP Counties Alumnae Chapter focused on the following two Project 13 organizations:

Leadership, Excellence, Achievement and Development (L.E.A.D.)
We are excited to present the Illustrious Sorors of the Douglas Carroll Paulding Alumnae Chapter 2024-2025 L.E.A.D. Mentors and Mentees, Cohort #2. DCP is LEADing the way in our commitment to Organizational Health-Creating innovative and transformative opportunities for member development, engagement and recognition. Our DCP Chapter L.E.A.D. Program is in alignment with our National Leadership Academy. Our Mentees complete Nine Pearl Modules of Leadership workshops, as well as, meeting monthly with L.E.A.D. co-chairs and their Mentors.
We are excited to present the Illustrious Sorors of the Douglas Carroll Paulding Alumnae Chapter 2024-2025 L.E.A.D. Mentors and Mentees, Cohort #2. DCP is LEADing the way in our commitment to Organizational Health-Creating innovative and transformative opportunities for member development, engagement and recognition. Our DCP Chapter L.E.A.D. Program is in alignment with our National Leadership Academy. Our Mentees complete Nine Pearl Modules of Leadership workshops, as well as, meeting monthly with L.E.A.D. co-chairs and their Mentors.
February is Heart Awareness Month. DCP encourages everyone to participate in the national GO RED for WOMEN campaign by wearing red on the 6th to bring attention to heart disease and stroke incidents. Throughout the month you can find helpful tips and information on the signs and symptoms of the disease by following us on our social media pages at Facebook or Twitter. The Physical and Mental Committee will also have the signature red dress pin of the American Heart Association GO RED campaign available to Deltas at the February chapter meeting. All Deltas are welcomed to attend.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. established the Delta Research and Educational Foundation (DREF) as a public charity supporting scholastic achievement, public service programs, and research initiatives focused upon African American women. Learn more about DREF at
DCP Alumnae programming is a grant recipient. |

The Delta Emergency Response Team Asks... Are You Disaster Ready?
Don't wait until something happens, be prepared before an unplanned event upsets your life.
The Delta Recommended Disaster Supply Kit:
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